Friday, February 19, 2010

Me vs. Food

For a long time I have considered myself a fat guy stuck in a skinny guy's body.  Not that this is such a bad thing at first glance, of course; it's much better than say, being a fat guy stuck in a fat guy's body.  The reason I feel like a 'fat guy' on the inside is because I have an intense weakness for food.  And not only do I have this intense weakness for food, I am impulsive by nature so I would generally rather go buy food and not have to cook it myself. Or throw a Hot Pocket or burrito in the microwave. So, left to my own devices, I eat huge amounts of shit is basically what I'm saying.

I look JUST like the guy on the inside when I am not wearing clothes. Really.

Recently, Katy and I decided we are going to start saving for a trip. The first thing on Katy's list of ways to start saving is to cut back on eating out.  Like WAY back. Like, twice per month.  As soon as she brought up this point, I recognized that this was going to change my life in a huge way. 

Twice per month means I can't make excuses about how there's nothing in the house to eat, so I need to run off and get some Subway or Taco Bell.  It means I have to be prepared before I go somewhere so I am not out of the house and super hungry. All together, Katy and I will save probably hundreds of dollars per month just on food alone.

It also means I will be eating much healthier; we do not generally keep junk food in the house except for special occasions.  Katy doesn't want it around, because she knows she will eat it; I have no such reservations about keeping or eating junk food.  I don't complain (much) about not having the stuff around because I know it's better for the both of us.

After all is said and done, I am still impulsive, and I still eat huge amounts of crap if given the chance.  The difference is that now I have a goal in mind and a specific guideline as far as how often I can eat out.  I am taking initiavtive in making myself food in the house rather than rationalizing why I should just go out and get something. Hopefully, over the long run, this will teach me self control and some dietary responibility.  Another side effect is that I will probably come out of this a much better cook than when I went in, which is fine with me!

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